Dr. Peter Dobias
Website, Brand refresh
UI/UX, Visual
Agency Partner:
Direct Client
The previous homepage offered unclear hierarchy, too much visual design clutter and unfavorable calls to action. Starting with a clear, concise navigation and subtle design cues leading the user down the page, the homepage now breathes white space, clear distinction between sections and enhanced readability. Textures were introduced to give it more of a natural/holistic feel and the use of bold colors and typography help sections come to life on the page.

Blog landing page
The blog page wasn’t too different from the homepage in terms of what it needed to be sound. I brought in a strong feature for the hero area and added standard blog functionality such as search, filters and the ability to sort. We found creating cards and displaying them masonry style worked best. In this form, it makes it easy to recognize featured products or campaigns by giving them a background color.